

Artist Giuseppe Molteni

Upload a photo of the face you would like us to paint
Want to make sure we get it right? Upload another photo of your face.
Would you like us to paint a ball, logo or your pet?
Are there any other details we should pay attention to? Would you like your hair or the paintings?
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ritratto del conte Alessandro Reina


Artist Giuseppe Molteni

Upload a photo of the face you would like us to paint
Want to make sure we get it right? Upload another photo of your face.
Would you like us to paint a ball, logo or your pet?
Are there any other details we should pay attention to? Would you like your hair or the paintings?
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Ritratto della cantante Giuditta Pasta come Nina pazza per amore


Artist Giuseppe Molteni

Upload a photo of the face you would like us to paint
Want to make sure we get it right? Upload another photo of your face.
Would you like us to paint a ball, logo or your pet?
Are there any other details we should pay attention to? Would you like your hair or the paintings?
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Ritratto della Contessa Francesca Pallavicini Reina


Artist Giuseppe Molteni

Upload a photo of the face you would like us to paint
Want to make sure we get it right? Upload another photo of your face.
Would you like us to paint a ball, logo or your pet?
Are there any other details we should pay attention to? Would you like your hair or the paintings?
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Ritratto di Gian Giacomo Poldi da Bambino


Artist Giuseppe Molteni

Upload a photo of the face you would like us to paint
Want to make sure we get it right? Upload another photo of your face.
Would you like us to paint a ball, logo or your pet?
Are there any other details we should pay attention to? Would you like your hair or the paintings?
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The Family of Barbiano di Belgioioso d'Este


Artist Giuseppe Molteni

A clear photo with the facial expression of your choice is optimal.
A good selfie will do the job. Group shots are not great but will do if you are in a pinch
Would you like to include your pet, a football, a guitar or a lion? Let us know!
It is important that we get all required details before getting started. Please let us know of who's hair you would like and if there are any facial features we should focus on.
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The Rimoldi Family


Artist Giuseppe Molteni

A clear photo with the facial expression of your choice is optimal.
A good selfie will do the job. Group shots are not great but will do if you are in a pinch
Would you like to include your pet, a football, a guitar or a lion? Let us know!
It is important that we get all required details before getting started. Please let us know of who's hair you would like and if there are any facial features we should focus on.
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