You want to know what is a crappy anniversary gift? A box of chocolate! Its the kind of gift that says, I just went to Walgreens on the way home from work because I completely forgot about our special day! It’s the time of the year to celebrate your special date: first (or another) year has passed since your love has started! One of the best ways to celebrate an anniversary is by first convincing the other party that you have completely forgotten about the special day then when you can see her smile turn into a frown, you present her with her own personalized portrait.

Don’t think your spouse will appreciate a painting of herself? Why not customize a painting in a different way?

One customer decided to have the Mona Lisa painted with his wife’s favourite Adidas running track suit. We’ve got to admit, this is one of the most epic paintings we have completed up to date. Perhaps we have found a new marketing strategy for sportswear companies. Mona Lisa looks like she could have run an entire marathon without breaking a sweat. 

August 22, 2017 by Angela D.